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The AVRCD service area encompasses approximately 1.65 million acres in Northern Los Angeles and Southeast Kern County.

The Mission of the Antelope Valley Resource Conservation District is to promote conservation and restoration of natural resources for our area by providing plant materials, educational programs, and expertise in conservation.

NEW AVRCD Administrative Offices located at:


AVRCD Plant Nursey & Conservation Garden

10148 West Avenue I

Lancaster, CA 93536


Phone (661) 942-7306


Fax: (661) 752-8146




Mailing address: 10148 West Avenue I, Lancaster, CA 93536.


Our Nursery is open to the public Thursday, Friday and Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.  Please call or email for further information regarding our contract growing, educational programs, windbreak program, etc.

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